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NewBlueFX TotalFX
NewBlueFX TotalFX
NewBlueFX TotalFX
NewBlueFX TotalFX
NewBlueFX TotalFX

NewBlueFX TotalFX

  • TotalFX features over 1,400 presets in 129 plugins. Includes the fully-featured Ultimate versions of our Elements, Essentials, Filters, Stylizers, Transitions and Titling lines.
7 286,59 zł
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TotalFX Includes

TotalFX features over 1,400 presets in 129 plugins in our most comprehensive collection of titling, transitions and video effects.

Includes the fully-featured Ultimate versions of our Elements, Essentials, Filters, Stylizers, Transitions and Titling lines.

Now including Titler Pro 5 and Filters 5.

Create Beautiful 3D Text and Graphics

Titler Pro 5 Ultimate allows you to quickly create a title and then take it to a new level with text extrusion, custom lighting, and preset animations. You shouldn’t have to spend hours learning a new tool. That’s why Titler Pro 5 mirrors many of the familiar controls of your current titling tool.

Titler Pro 5 Ultimate delivers polished 2D & 3D text and graphics natively in your NLE and includes 200+ built-in styles and templates. This breakthrough plugin offers After Effects support plus dozens of styles, templates and animations.

Transform Scenes Through Compositing

Elements 3 Ultimate helps you create and transform scenes completely through compositing. Combine visual elements from multiple shots into a single image. Elements 3 Ultimate takes complicated processes and simplifies them.

Elements 3 Ultimate includes more than 250 presets in 21 video effects that simplify multi-step compositing tasks.

Fix Common Filming Issues

Essentials 3 Ultimate is designed to address everyday post-production needs such as video stabilization, skin and color touch ups, camera flashes, exposure, and aspect ratio. The go-to Swiss Army knife for film editors.

Essentials 3 Ultimate: Over 275 presets in 24 workflow-enhancing video effects that stabilize, correct and sharpen.

Set The Tone Of Your Production

Filters 5 Ultimate brings together a variety of effects to instantly enhance video through an array of distinctive looks. With pinpoint color correction, light leaks, tints, film looks, and more, Filters has just the color editing tools you need to change the tone, mood or aesthetic of your shots in seconds.

Filters 5 Ultimate includes more than 250 presets in 22 video effects to instantly enhance video through an array of distinctive looks.

Break Style Boundaries

Stylizers 3 Ultimate gives your all the options to create unique and distinctive looks to your footage.  From cartoon and impressionist styles to energetic blurs and flickers, you can give your shots a strong visual presence.

Stylizers 3 Ultimate includes over 250 presets in 23 imaginative video plugins that provide a range of light, paint and art effects.

Transition Your Scenes With Energy & Motion

Transitions 3 Ultimate provides transitions to match your video's design direction. Whether you want to display a product or add emphasis to an object, you'll find wide variety of transitions to join your shots.

Transitions Ultimate includes 400 presets in 37 plugins that provide cutting edge video transitions of 3D, light, color, and motion.


TotalFX 5 delivers over 1400 presets in 129 plugins. Includes the Ultimate editions of Elements, Essentials, Filters (including Colorfast 2), Stylizers, Transitions, and Titler Pro 5.

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